Meet the inventor of the VAX-ID technology and co-founder of Idevax, Koen Beyers

For the second movie in the IDEVAX short movie series, we’d like you to meet the VAX-ID inventor and co-founder of IDEVAX, Koen Beyers.

Technology talk on VAX-ID drug delivery device

Koen discusses challenges and solution associated with intradermal drug delivery in an Idevax short movie on the VAX-ID technology. He highlights how this invention, VAX-ID, allows for reliable intradermal injections with a high ease of use. Koen provides insights in accurate needle positioning for predefined diameters and penetration depths. 

The short movie is part of a series of short movies  🎞️ explaining all about the company, the product portfolio, regulatory trajectory as well as preclinical and clinical data.

📽️ Enjoy our second video and stay tuned for the upcoming 2 short movies to come over the next weeks.

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