How medical science and medical device technology meet to bring healthcare innovations to the market. Meet our co-founder Koen & our Scientific & Clinical Affairs Mgr Momen on this International Men’s Day 

This year’s international men’s day 📅 we want to focus on how and why, Koen Beyers (inventor of VAX-ID®) and Momen Rbeihat (MD by education and currently Scientific & Clinical Affairs Manager at IDEVAX) bridge the gap between life sciences and technology to improve healthcare and patient outcomes.  

As healthcare systems are facing more pressure than ever before, innovative approaches to prevent or treat the burden of a variety of diseases are urgently needed.  

Continued innovation and breakthroughs in areas such as biotechnology, technology and artificial intelligence will help to tackle these issues.

At IDEVAX, Momen and Koen are excited to pool their respective knowledge of healthcare, life sciences and engineering into the development of a device that has the potential to improve the accuracy of intradermal drug delivery and patient comfort.  

For Momen, working at IDEVAX is a wonderful opportunity to build up knowledge and experience in the field of medicine, clinical research, dermatology, vaccinology, and health technology.
Link to contact Momen 👉Momen Rbeihat | LinkedIn 

As founder of a number of Tech companies, Koen brings a wealth of creativity and technology to the table, supporting and boosting the VAX-ID® developments.
Link to contact Koen 👉 Koen Beyers | LinkedIn

A word of advice of Momen for all men around the world on this International Men’s Day 🎙️? 

Prioritize your physical and mental health. We are often taught as men to ignore our own health problems to focus on our families- but eventually those problems will worsen, and then we can become burdens to the families we want to support. Take care of your own health now, through preventative and proactive care, including accessing lifesaving vaccines, and you will be around for many years to care for yourself and your family. 

 A word of advice of Koen for all men around the world on this International Men’s Day 🎙️? 

Without the intention to sound woolly: dare to use your imagination and chase your dreams.  

As a young boy, I was hooked to technological sports like F1 and NASA innovations like the Space Shuttle. My dream would be to be a racing driver or an astronaut.  

But as a direct result, I became a technology addict as well. It would make me build my own mini rockets or scale models. (And yes, I’m still getting excited when I saw the Artemis space program just the other day). 

After taking my first steps in the industry more than 2 decades ago, I found out that creativity and passion thrive when they make meaning. With that in mind, developing a medical device possibly beats designing a moon rocket. 


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