World Hepatitis Day

On #WorldHepatitisDay, we highlight how important vaccines are in preventing Hepatitis B and its related conditions.  

Despite the benefits of the Hepatitis B vaccination, vaccine coverage remains low in many areas. Intradermal (skin) vaccination for the Hepatitis B vaccination could potentially offer broader immunization while simultaneously conserving vaccine supplies.  

Here are some quick facts about hepatitis and our work in this space: 

  1. An estimated 820,000 people died from hepatitis B every year, primarily from cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer). Safe, accessible, and efficient vaccinations help prevent the spread of Hepatitis B.
  2. Hepatitis B vaccine offers a variety of advantages (a) it offers long-lasting defense, (b) helps reduce the chance of infants developing chronic infection, (c) lowers the general prevalence of Hepatitis B and its consequences.
  3. Hepatitis B vaccine coverage remains low in many areas due to (a) cost, (b) a lack of healthcare infrastructure, and (c) a lack of knowledge.
  4. Skin or intradermal (ID) vaccination can be a promising new route of administration, improving vaccine uptake.Intradermal vaccination can offer equivalent immunogenicity using a fractional dose, allowing the possibility for broader immunization coverage while simultaneously conserving vaccine supplies.
  5. We investigated the immunogenicity and safety of intradermal delivery of a hepatitis B booster vaccine using our VAX-ID® solution. It allows easy-to-use drug delivery device enabling standardized, accurate and reliable delivery in the dermal layer of the skin. Our results showed that the vaccine delivered through the intradermal route with our VAX-ID solution produced robust antibody responses and the immunogenicity of the intradermal vaccine was as effective as the standard intramuscular vaccination.  

Want to know more about our results – Read the full white paper here

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