Welcoming a new intern to our Scientific and Clinical Affairs team, Amélie Donck  

We are always excited to welcome a new intern to our team. Alongside working with us on our solutions, we love sharing our experiences on medical devices and entrepreneurship with a new student.    

This summer, we add another intern to our IDEVAX family, Amélie Donck. She will be working closely with our Scientific and Clinical Affairs team, researching how our VAX-ID device can be beneficial in clinical trials and drug delivery. 

Read more about her story here and why she decided to study science as a field:

1. What are you currently studying and why did you choose this field🎙️? 

I recently finished my second year in the Bachelor of Nanobiology at the Technical University of Delft. This program provided me with a broad understanding of all sciences. In my second year, I started to explore more applications and realized that biology, especially its role in medicine, fascinates me the most. I am interested in pursuing a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering after my bachelor.  

I have always been intrigued by the functionality of the human body—why do we get sick, how do we recover. Pursuing a degree in nanobiology has allowed me to explore these questions and understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms within the body at the smallest level. 

 2. What interests you most about science🎙️? 

The most interesting aspect of science for me is its combination with technology. I believe that with the increasing presence of technology in society, significant advancements can be made in the field of science. Among the sciences, I prefer biology and medicine. I am eager to see how technology can help address health problems, whether through pharmaceutical advancements or logistical solutions. 

3. What is your role at IDEVAX and what skills do you hope to acquire through this internship🎙️? 

My main goal for this internship is to become familiar with how things operate in a medical device company. I am involved in various aspects, from attending project management meetings to contributing to my work in Scientific and Clinical Affairs.  

I hope to improve my scientific writing and learn to interpret scientific research effectively, using it to enhance the company’s profile and potentially facilitate future partnerships. I am excited to work together and learn form the talented team at IDEVAX and brainstorm ideas for further clinical research. 


We look forward to working with Amélie this summer and bringing her a step closer to achieving her goals.  

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